Code-first is a software implementation approach that favors programming against an API over other approaches that may rely more heavily on visual tools or require the presence of some external source that is inspected to generate program behavior, structure, or data.
It took me way too long to find a solution to the scenario described below. What should seemingly be a …
entity-framework associations code-first dbcontextI would like to implement a custom database initialization strategy so that I can generate the database schema and apply …
entity-framework code-first ctp4I've defined a set of classes in the style of Entity Framework Code-First conventions and annotated the class properties with …
.net entity-framework sql-server-ce code-first ef-code-firstI've using Entity Framework CTP5 in "code only" mode. I'm running a LINQ query on a object that was return …
sql entity-framework profiling code-first ef4-code-onlyI am learning DDD development for few days, and i start to like it. I (think i) understand the principle …
c# ef-code-first domain-driven-design code-firstI am doing entity framework (v 5) code first migrations, on an MVC 4 application. I would like to add a unique …
entity-framework ef-code-first code-firstI am trying to map a TimeSpan Code First property to SQL server. Code First seems to be creating it …
sql-server entity-framework ef-code-first code-firstI have a POCO class that has two one-way unary relationships with another class, both classes share an ancestor. The …
c# entity-framework code-firstI have this class and table: public class Foo { public Guid Id {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} } create …
entity-framework-4 code-first entity-framework-ctp5 ef4-code-onlyI have the following Model public class FilanthropyEvent : EntityBase, IDeleteable { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } …
c# .net entity-framework ef-code-first code-first