Code cleanup refers to the act of writing code so that it cleans up leftover data structures and other unwanted materials from memory and the filesystem.
My website has many webpages and I am trying to clean up my stylesheets and scripts. About 10% or more of …
javascript html css optimization code-cleanupI've inherited a ASP.Net 2.0 (File System) Web Project from a client, where a few different companies have worked on …
svn code-cleanupHow to setup ReSharper to call "Sort usings" in class?
resharper using-statement code-cleanupI am wondering, if it is possible, to have some kind of automatic code-clean-up in Visual Studio 2010. Especially interesting would …
visual-studio-2010 settings code-cleanupI find stuff like this rather annoying and ugly in equals methods: if (field == null) { if (other.field != null) return …
java equals code-cleanupI've seen How can you find unused functions in Python code? but that's really old, and doesn't really answer my …
python pylint code-cleanupIn my application, I have to instantiate many different types of objects. Each type contains some fields and needs to …
java coding-style builder code-cleanup object-constructionI had to customize some projects which have been written for some other purpose but some core functionality is same …
c++ code-cleanup devtoolsI've accidentally put some whitespace in my initial commit - it shows up red in git diff --color. What's the …
git whitespace code-cleanup removing-whitespaceI am doing some JavaScript cleanup work on a legacy project, and trying to get rid of redundant JS libraries. …
javascript jquery legacy-code code-cleanup