cmd: regedit from cmd

elisa picture elisa · Mar 30, 2011 · Viewed 44.8k times · Source

how can i run to a specify path in regedit from cmd? I would like to add a new key to a specific service. Can someone help me? I would like to do this from a c# code, but first i am trying to do it from cmd. Thx

i would like to navigate from cmd to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Service and add in the Service service a new key with a value. i did write in cmd: regedit "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Service" add /v KeyName Parameters but i have an error saying that it can't load the file. why?


EstimatedTime14y picture EstimatedTime14y · Jan 4, 2012

you can use

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Service" /v "KeyName" /d "Parameters" /f

Which would create a value (/v) named KeyName with data containing Parameters. the /f switch is used to override any confirmations and interruptions so the command can be executed without user input,omit for testing. additionaly,you can replace /v with /ve (value empty) and not specify a value name at all. this allows writting data (/d) to the default key value. also,if the path you intent to write to doesn't exist,the keys will be created without any warning.

for more information type reg /? in the command line