I am having trouble understanding why I am getting this error:
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s).
Type "SETX /?" for usage.
C:\Users>setx JAVA_HOME "C:\DOC\JDK64\"
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users>setx PATH "%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin"
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s).
Type "SETX /?" for usage.
C:\Users>setx PATH "%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%bin"
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s).
Type "SETX /?" for usage.
It is quite simple but hidden. run setx /? and I suppose the answer is there. The PATH you give as a parameter (string) contains space/spaces. You should enclose the PTH between "".