Top "Clustered-index" questions

A clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table.

How to create a Clustered Index with Entity Framework Core

From EF6.1, we have a way of specifying a clustered index on a property public class Person { [Index(IsClustered = true, …

entity-framework entity-framework-core clustered-index
Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default

Ya, it is a duplicate of this. But I just needs a clarification on this article by Pinal Dave, which …

sql sql-server indexing clustered-index
DELETE performance in SQL Server on clustered index, large table

I have a table with more than 20 million rows, and when i do: DELETE [Table] WHERE ID = ? It takes over 40 …

sql-server performance clustered-index
Is Unique key Clustered or Non-Clustered Index in SQL Server?

I am new to SQL Server and while learning about clustered index, I got confused! Is unique key clustered or …

sql-server clustered-index unique-key
Difference between Cluster and Non-cluster index in SQL

Just for knowledge in interview question, and my knowledge. SQL - Difference between Cluster and Non-cluster index?

sql indexing clustered-index non-clustered-index
Update ANSI_NULLS option in an existing table

In our database there is a table which is created with ANSI_NULLS OFF. Now we have created a view …

sql sql-server-2008 clustered-index ansi-nulls
Clustered index on temp table

I'm trying to optimize a procedure that has code like the following: CREATE TABLE #t1 (c1 int, c2 varchar(20), c3(…

sql sql-server tsql temp-tables clustered-index
primary key is always indexed in sql server?

You can create a clustered index on a column other than primary key column if a nonclustered primary key constraint …

sql-server indexing primary-key clustered-index non-clustered-index
converting clustered index into non-clustered index?

Is it possible to convert a clustered index to non clustered index or non clustered index to clustered index in …

sql sql-server clustered-index non-clustered-index
Non-clustered index and clustered index on the same column

I came across this post in Stackoverflow. The first answer mentions something like A clustered index has all the data …

sql-server indexing b-tree clustered-index non-clustered-index