Top "Cluster-analysis" questions

Cluster analysis is the process of grouping "similar" objects into groups known as "clusters", along with the analysis of these results.

Clustering text in Python

I need to cluster some text documents and have been researching various options. It looks like LingPipe can cluster plain …

python cluster-analysis nlp
Can k-means clustering do classification?

I want to know whether the k-means clustering algorithm can do classification? If I have done a simple k-means clustering . …

algorithm cluster-analysis data-mining k-means
Scikit K-means clustering performance measure

I'm trying to do a clustering with K-means method but I would like to measure the performance of my clustering. …

python machine-learning scikit-learn cluster-analysis sklearn-pandas
Python Implementation of OPTICS (Clustering) Algorithm

I'm looking for a decent implementation of the OPTICS algorithm in Python. I will use it to form density-based clusters …

python machine-learning cluster-analysis data-mining optics-algorithm
Multidimensional Euclidean Distance in Python

I want to calculate the Euclidean distance in multiple dimensions (24 dimensions) between 2 arrays. I'm using numpy-Scipy. Here is my code: …

python numpy scipy cluster-analysis euclidean-distance
DBSCAN in scikit-learn of Python: save the cluster points in an array

following the example Demo of DBSCAN clustering algorithm of Scikit Learning i am trying to store in an array the …

python cluster-analysis scikit-learn dbscan
Spectral Clustering a graph in python

I'd like to cluster a graph in python using spectral clustering. Spectral clustering is a more general technique which can …

python graph scikit-learn cluster-analysis spectral
Bisecting k-means clustering algorithm explanation

I was required to write a bisecting k-means algorithm, but I didnt understand the algorithm. I know k-means algorithm. Can …

algorithm cluster-analysis k-means
clustering very large dataset in R

I have a dataset consisting of 70,000 numeric values representing distances ranging from 0 till 50, and I want to cluster these numbers; …

r machine-learning bigdata cluster-analysis data-mining
Reordering matrix elements to reflect column and row clustering in naiive python

I'm looking for a way to perform clustering separately on matrix rows and than on its columns, reorder the data …

python statistics numpy cluster-analysis scipy