Top "Closures" questions

A closure is a first-class function that refers to (closes over) variables from the scope in which it was defined.

Define local function in JavaScript: use var or not?

When a local (inner) function is declared in JavaScript, there are two options: Declaring with var keyword, assigning to the …

javascript function closures declaration
Please explain the use of JavaScript closures in loops

I have read a number of explanations about closures and closures inside loops. I have a hard time understanding the …

javascript loops scope closures
How to use Swift @autoclosure

I noticed when writing an assert in Swift that the first value is typed as @autoclosure() -> Bool with …

closures swift
Memory leaks and closures in JavaScript - when and why?

You quite often read on the web that using closures is a massive source of memory leaks in JavaScript. Most …

node.js memory-leaks closures
Why add "()" after closure body in Golang?

I'm reading The Go Programming Language Specifications and found myself not truly understand with "()" after closure body: In Function literals: …

go closures
JavaScript function aliasing doesn't seem to work

I was just reading this question and wanted to try the alias method rather than the function-wrapper method, but I …

javascript function closures alias
Python lambda's binding to local values

The following code spits out 1 twice, but I expect to see 0 and then 1. def pv(v) : print v x = [] for …

python closures lambda
Closures in PHP... what, precisely, are they and when would you need to use them?

So I'm programming along in a nice, up to date, object oriented fashion. I regularly make use of the various …

php oop closures
How to call a closure that is a class variable?

class MyClass { var $lambda; function __construct() { $this->lambda = function() {echo 'hello world';}; // no errors here, so I assume that …

php lambda closures anonymous-function
In Python 2, how do I write to variable in the parent scope?

I have the following code inside a function: stored_blocks = {} def replace_blocks(m): block = block_hash = sha1(…

python closures scope python-2.x