Top "Clone" questions

A clone is a copy of an object with all of the same attributes, data, and methods as the original object.

Java : clone() operation calling super.clone()

I am not fully understanding the idea of returning super.clone() in the clone() method of a class. First of …

java clone
What's the most straightforward way to clone an empty, *bare* git repository?

I've just finished cruising the Google search results that contain all the email rants about how stupid it is that …

git clone git-bare
Git repository within Git repository

I have a main git repository A and we are using sources out of another git repository B in a …

git directory repository clone subdirectory
what is Object Cloning in php?

Can someone explain me what is Object Cloning in php? When should i use clone keyword in php?

php object clone
Serials on NFC Tags - truly unique? cloneable?

So are NFC tags really UNIQUE from each other, at least in their SERIAL NUMBER? And can we rely on …

clone nfc uniqueidentifier rfid serial-number
Whats the Mercurial hg clone syntax to clone a repository to a folder on a local file system

Whats the Mercurial hg clone syntax to clone a repository to a folder on a local file system. Say I …

mercurial clone
GIT pulling or cloning repository only gets Master branch

I host on BitBucket when I git clone a repository or use git pull origin master and git pull origin …

git clone bitbucket pull
How can you clone a Mercurial repository as of a specific changeset?

How can you clone a Mercurial repository as of a specific changeset? Ie: If the master repo has changesets 1-10, …

mercurial clone
git clone and checkout in a single command

The following is the command I use to checkout a specific commit. git clone git://repo.git/repo123 git checkout &…

git clone commit git-checkout
Why clone an MS-Access recordset?

I'm a newbie at VBA and attempting to understand someone else's code. Set rstClone = Me.RecordsetClone rstClone.MoveFirst Why does …

ms-access vba clone recordset