ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology that simplifies deployment of applications by publishing to a website, where the user can install it by clicking a link on a page of that website.
We're testing our ClickOnce deployed application internally on IIS (Internet Information Services), but we're wondering if we can deploy it …
apache deployment clickonceI've got a ClickOnce application that is leaving all old versions on my disk. It's an internal corporate application that …
c# visual-studio deployment clickonceIs there any way to run custom code during the installation or uninstallation of a ClickOnce app? This question has …
c# deployment installation clickonceI've created an Outlook add-in, debugged and works fine. I want to be able to package it up for distribution. …
deployment vsto clickonce add-in visual-studio-2017I need to add my application to the startup and hence, need to set the Registry Key with the Installation …
clickonce installation installshieldI have been using ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory to store content downloaded by the client at runtime which is expected to …
c# .net clickonceI've a ClickOnce application. On one machine - Windows 7 (works on others) an upgrade failed - the installation is served …
.net clickonceWhat is a good open source alternative to clickonce? One that is most popular and under active development I guess? …
clickonce auto-update ddayI have a config file that needs changed on a per-server basis, so that once a server has our software …
deployment command-line clickonce mageI have a .NET Winforms app (created in VS2005) that I deploy using ClickOnce. On one of the forms I …
deployment crystal-reports clickonce