Top "Chrome-custom-tabs" questions

Chrome Custom Tabs provides a way for an application to customize and interact with a Chrome Activity on Android, to make it a part of the application experience, while retaining the full functionality and performance of a complete web browser.

"Navigation is blocked" when redirecting from Chrome Custom Tab to Android app

I'm 'modernizing' our login widget to use Chrome Custom Tabs as Google will start blocking OAuth requests using Webviews in …

android oauth chrome-custom-tabs mobile-chrome appauth
How do you add custom HTTP headers to Chrome Custom Tabs?

With standard Android WebViews, you use WebView.loadUrl(String url, Map<String, String> additionalHttpHeaders). How do you add …

java android chrome-custom-tabs
Add a listener to Chrome Custom Tab Close button

I have a chrome custom tab, but I want to add a listener to the close (X) button on the …

android chrome-custom-tabs
How to change a title color in Chrome Custom Tabs

Is there any way to change a title color in Chrome Custom Tabs? I applied Chrome custom tabs to show …

android chrome-custom-tabs