Top "Chart.js" questions


How to add OnClick Event on labels in Chart.js v2.0?

Looking For a method to add onClick handle on the "label" element in chartjs 2.0 As using below method will return "…

javascript jquery html chart.js chart.js2
How can I increase the size of the pie (Chart.JS)?

I'm generating a pie chart with legend that looks like so: As you can perceive, the pie is pitifully puny. …

chart.js chart.js2
Click event on stacked bar chart - ChartJs

I am trying to implement click event on Stacked Bar chart. The data looks like below: var chartData = { type: 'horizontalBar', …

javascript jquery charts chart.js stacked-chart
How to remove square label from tooltip and make its information in one line?

How can I remove this square from tooltip? I would prefer if I could manage to just have it one …

Ng2-charts / chart.js - how to refresh/update chart - angular 4

html: <canvas *ngIf="actionData" baseChart width=800 height=300 [datasets]="lineActionData" [labels]="lineActionLabels" [options]="lineChartOptions" [colors]="lineChartColors" [legend]="lineChartLegend" [chartType]="lineChartType" (…

angular chart.js ng2-charts
Horizontal Bar-Chart in angular-chart.js

I have successfully created a bar chart in angular-chart.js but now I want to change it into a horizontal …

javascript angularjs chart.js angular-chart angular-chartist.js
Chart.js - Plot line graph with X , Y coordinates

I'm trying to create a simple line graph with x,y coordinates but i'm getting a blank page . I don't …

javascript chart.js
How do I customize y-axis labels on a Chart.js line chart?

I have the following chart and would like to manually set the Y axis labels. Instead of using 1,2,3,4,5, I want …

chart.js chart.js2
ng2-charts - Angular 4 working example

I am trying to use ng2-charts with Angular 4.0 and I would like to have the same thing like here …

angular charts chart.js ng2-charts
How to remove the line/rule of an axis in Chart.js?

I managed to remove all horizontale lines/rules in my chart using this: scales: { xAxes: [{ gridLines: { display: false } }] } But I …

javascript chart.js chart.js2