Top "Character-encoding" questions

Character encoding refers to the way characters are represented as a series of bytes.

PHP Convert Windows-1251 to UTF 8

I have a small html code and I need to convert it to UTF-8. I use this iconv("windows-1251", "utf-8", $…

php utf-8 character-encoding windows-1251
How can I be sure of the file encoding?

I have a PHP file that I created with VIM, but I'm not sure which is its encoding. When I …

utf-8 character-encoding file-encodings
Difference between Url Encode and HTML encode

What’s the difference between an URL Encode and a HTML Encode?

html url encoding character-encoding
How can I get a hex dump of a string in PHP?

I'm investigating encodings in PHP5. Is there some way to get a raw hex dump of a string? i.e. …

php string encoding character-encoding hex
How to set the charset with JAX-RS?

How can I set the charset with JAX-RS? I've tried @Produces("text/html; charset=UTF-8") but that was ignored and …

java jakarta-ee character-encoding jax-rs
Convert an int value to unicode

I am using pyserial and need to send some values less than 255. If I send the int itself the the …

python character-encoding ascii pyserial
Why charset names are not constants?

Charset issues are confusing and complicated by themselves, but on top of that you have to remember exact names of …

java character-encoding
How to add a UTF-8 BOM in Java?

I have a Java stored procedure which fetches record from the table using Resultset object and creates a CS Vfile. …

java character-encoding oracle10g byte-order-mark
UTF-8 charset doesn't work with javax.mail

I have used Java Mail API, for sending emails. I am using a contact formular to send the input, which …

java utf-8 character-encoding jakarta-mail
How to unquote a urlencoded unicode string in python?

I have a unicode string like "Tanım" which is encoded as "Tan%u0131m" somehow. How can i convert …

python unicode character-encoding urllib w3c