In MATLAB cell arrays are a built-in container class allowing for the storage of different types of data in each "cell" of the array.
Is there built-in functionality for this?
search sorting find octave cell-arrayI have a string cellarray something like this 12:34 13:45 12:45 Now I want to split this cell array into two with values …
matlab cell-arrayHere's code that creates an example cell array for this question: mycell = cell([5,1]); for i = 1 : size(mycell) mystruct = struct(); mycell{…
matlab struct cell-arrayI have a cell array allData which is Nx1. Each cell contains a structure with a names property (the name …
matlab concatenation cell-arraySay I have a cell array of (n X 1) vectors, A, and a cell array of vectors containing indices into …
matlab indexing cell-arraySo, I have a cell-array of 1xN vectors of different lengths. I want to append them into a matrix so …
matlab matrix cell-arrayI am using symbolic toolbox to generate a matlab function. But the number of input to the generated function is …
matlab parameter-passing cell-arrayI have created a function which takes vectors for input variables and returns a cell array for each set of …
arrays matlab cell-array multidimensional-arrayI want to manipulate a cell array and make certain indices of the cell array contain the empty matrix []. I …
matlab indexing cell-arrayI am wondering if it is possible to use the mat2cell function to divide an MxN matrix into 10 submatrices …
matlab matrix cell-array