Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI): Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 brought dependency injection (DI) with Convention over Configuration to Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0. Java EE 6 introduces the flexible and powerful @Inject dependency injection model (JSR-330 and JSR-299) in addition to the already existing @EJB annotation.
We are planning to write a web application from the scratch, it has been decided to go with the latest …
spring java-ee-6 cdiI have the following configuration: 1 EAR on one GF containing 2 EJB-JARs with EJB components. 1 WAR on another Glassfish server (=> …
java jakarta-ee ejb cdiHello I'm trying to deploy an EAR to my Weblogic server 12c (12.1.3) without success. My LdapService class is a Stateless …
jakarta-ee dependency-injection ejb cdi weblogic12cI am migrating an application to Java EE 7 and would like to CDI 1.1. But I don't get the meaning of …
dependency-injection cdi java-ee-7How can I programmatically inject a Java CDI 1.1+ managed bean into a local variable in a static method?
java dependency-injection cdi jboss-weld weldI'm using Wildfly 10.0.0 Final, Java EE7, Maven and JPA 2.1. When I am querying my database for records it works fine …
hibernate jpa jakarta-ee cdi managed-beanI know there are a lot of articles out there that explain how to use CDI in Java EE but …
java spring jakarta-ee cdiI'm currently evaluating Java EE 6 / JSF 2.1 with RichFaces. A bean which is declared as @ManagedBean @ViewScoped Gets an ID set (…
jsf jsf-2 cdi view-scopeI am a little bit confused, we call CDI bean to the beans which we inject them using @Inject annotation …
java jakarta-ee cdi