Cassandra NoHostAvailable: error in CQLSH

Connor Myers picture Connor Myers · Dec 29, 2016 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I just finished creating my table in cassandra. I attempted to insert data into the table and I was given this error:

cqlsh:test> INSERT into qw (id, user, pass, email, phoneNum) VALUES (1,  'scman', '123','[email protected]','123-456-7890');

I checked that my server was running. What could be causing this problem.


Chaity picture Chaity · Apr 6, 2017

This is too late to answer. But I wanted to share my experience.

If you have a single node cluster and use NetworkTopologyStrategy, then it throws this error. Check your keyspace configuration.

Error during inserting data: NoHostAvailable: