Inserting a hard-coded UUID via CQLsh (Cassandra)

Chris H picture Chris H · Sep 27, 2013 · Viewed 22.7k times · Source

Would like to populate some static test data via a CQLsh script.

This doesn't work: (device_id is UUID)

insert into devices (device_id, geohash,name, external_identifier, measures, tags) 
values ('c37d661d-7e61-49ea-96a5-68c34e83db3a','9q9p3yyrn1', 'Acme1', '936', {'aparPower','actPower','actEnergy'},{'make':'Acme'});

Bad Request: Invalid STRING constant (c37d661d-7e61-49ea-96a5-68c34e83db3a) for device_id of type uuid

I can't seem to find any CQL function to convert to proper type. Do I need to do this from a python script?

Thanks, Chris


Richard picture Richard · Sep 27, 2013

You shouldn't put the quotes around the UUID to stop it being interpreted as a string i.e.

insert into devices (device_id, geohash,name, external_identifier, measures, tags) 
(c37d661d-7e61-49ea-96a5-68c34e83db3a,'9q9p3yyrn1', 'Acme1', '936', {'aparPower','actPower','actEnergy'},{'make':'Acme'});