Top "Casperjs" questions

CasperJS is a JavaScript based navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS (WebKit) and SlimerJS (Gecko).

CasperJS: how to exit script execution?

Yesterday I've written my first tests with CasperJS and I find it amazing. The problem is that I couldn't find …

phantomjs casperjs
How to pass a variable as an argument to a CasperJS script through the command line?

I'm using PhantomJs, CasperJs, and Js in a js file ran through the cmd. Imagine we had two files(test1.…

javascript jquery cmd phantomjs casperjs
How to test if selector exists in CasperJS?

I know I can use: casper.test.assertExists(#selector); But I want to actually store if it exists in a …

javascript casperjs
Cannot find module 'casper' when invoking through PhantomJS

I installed PhantomJS in C:\xampp\htdocs\phantom and also I installed CasperJS in this folder C:\xampp\htdocs\casper …

phantomjs casperjs
PhantomJS/CasperJS site login, cookies are not accepted by PhantomJS

I recently tried to login into a webiste that forces me to accept cookies. I'm using phantomJs and casperJs. I …

javascript login phantomjs casperjs
What is the correct way to launch slimerjs in casperjs (with an absolute path)?

Well, i can launch slimerjs by specifying the path of the slimer.bat file : C:\bin\slimerjs\slimerjs.bat and …

exe relative-path casperjs absolute-path slimerjs
casperjs passing params to evaluate fails

casper.then(function(){ phone_number = '7wqeqwe6'; phone_password = 'Teqweqweqw34'; }); casper.thenEvaluate(function(phone,password) { document.querySelector('input#…

Click on all links matching a selector

I have a list of links that I have to simulate a click on using CasperJS. They all share the …

Casperjs: How can I print http requests and responses?

For debugging purporses I need to see the whole request: headers and data. How can I achieve this?

javascript http casperjs
Using XPath with CasperJS QuerySelectorAll not working

For some reason when I try running the following code: var casper = require('casper').create(); var x = require('casper').selectXPath; …

xpath css-selectors web-scraping casperjs selectors-api