Top "Camera" questions

In the real world, a camera is a device that takes physical or digital photos.

How to use AVCapturePhotoOutput

I have been working on using a custom camera, and I recently upgraded to Xcode 8 beta along with Swift 3. I …

ios swift camera avfoundation swift3
Get Path of image from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent

Hi I am using ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE for capturing image using Intent as follows: Intent cameraIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_…

android camera android-camera android-camera-intent
Android: Switch camera when button clicked

I have a method called switchCamera, I'm trying to switch camera from front to back on the click of a …

java android button camera
Android - Camera Preview

i'm trying the camera preview This is my code and it doesn't throw any error, but the screen is still …

android camera preview
Android camera resulted image should be rotated after the capture?

I'm writing an Android application that uses the camera. I'm setting camera display orientation to 90, my activity is in a …

android camera rotation
How can I manipulate the camera preview?

There are several tutorials out there which explain how to get a simple camera preview up and running on an …

android camera colorfilter
Fingerprint Scanner using Camera

Working on fingerprint scanner using camera or without, its possibility and its success rate?, I came across one of open …

android sdk android-ndk camera fingerprint
how to capture an image in background without using the camera application

I have an android app which consists of a Button. When you click on Button, an image should be captured …

android background camera capture
Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device?

Is there a way to set the LED intensity that I desire? I know that to turn on the LED …

android camera led flashlight camera-flash
Read qrcode from a web page with camera.

Im looking for a solution to read a QRCode on a webpage. Lets say I've generated with PHP and some …

javascript camera qr-code