Top "Call" questions

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Using CALL for labels in a batch script

When using the CALL command to call a label in a batch script, and you end the sub-routine with GOTO:…

batch-file cmd call subroutine
Call javascript function which name is in variable

The problem is next: Assume that we have a select. Onchange event we need to call some function, but name …

javascript function variables call
Call a function that is not on the Matlab path WITHOUT ADDING THAT PATH

I have been searching an entire afternoon and have found no solution to call in matlab a function by specifying …

function matlab path call
how do procedure calls work in assembler?

I just started tinkering with ASM and I'm not sure if my understanding of procedure calls is correct. say at …

assembly x86 call function-calls
How to make Meteor methods synchronous?

I need a way for a meteor call to be synchronous so that when a call is run, the code …

meteor methods synchronization call synchronous env var

I'm using Popen because I need the env, like this: Popen( ["boto-rsync", "..."], env={"PATH":"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/"}, ) …

python environment-variables call subprocess popen
How to pass a value into a system call function in XV6?

I am attempting to create a simple priority based scheduler in XV6. To do this, I also have to create …

c function system call xv6
what's the difference between 'call/apply' and 'bind'

var obj = { x: 81, getX: function() { console.log( this.x) } }; var getX = obj.getX.bind(obj);//use obj as 'this'; getX();//81 …

javascript function call bind apply
Batch - What is the difference between CALL and GOTO?

I understand both link to labels in the code, but what is the difference? @echo off :top echo I love …

batch-file call goto
Is it possible to source a batch file in windows cmd like you can in unix?

I'm a unix guy but I have to write a system in windows, and I'm trying to write a script …

windows batch-file call