Top "Calculated-columns" questions

A calculated column is calculated from an expression that can use other columns in the same table

Calculated Column Based on Two Calculated Columns

I'm trying to do a rather complicated SELECT computation that I will generalize: Main query is a wildcard select for …

mysql subquery calculated-columns
What is the data type of a computed column?

When you CREATE TABLE using CASE expression to create a computed column, you do not explicitly define the data type …

sql sql-server calculated-columns
Identity key on varchar column - T-SQL

I want to know if I can create an Identity (auto increment on a Varchar column. and how can I …

sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2008 calculated-columns
Computed column should result to string

Here is a snap of my database. Both col1 and col2 are declared as int. My ComputedColumn currently adds the …

sql sql-server-2005 string calculated-columns
turn on/off automatic calculation in only a few columns in Excel

In excel I have a worksheet with over 30,000 rows. Sample data is shown in the image below. About a dozen …

vba excel excel-formula calculated-columns
SQL Server 2005 Computed Column Is Persisted

I have some computed columns in a table and need to know if I should set Is Persisted to true. …

sql-server-2005 calculated-columns
Include an additional counter in the MySQL result set

Can I include an additional counter in a MySQL result set? I have the following query which gives me two …

mysql counter calculated-columns
Sql Server Computed Column Formula syntax

I want to use a computed bit column that will be true if another column in the table is not …

sql sql-server tsql calculated-columns
Invalid column name error in WHERE clause, column selected with CASE

I have a (rather complicated) SQL statement where I select data from lots of different tables, and to cope with …

sql-server tsql case where calculated-columns
Subquery as generated column in mysql?

Can I create a generated column in table A which sums up a column in table B with a tableA_…

mysql calculated-columns dynamically-generated generated