Top "Calc" questions

calc refers to anything remotely related to anything about calculating anything.

css element height minus height of a element with changing height

aye folks! is it possible to have dynamic height calculation with css3? i couldn't find anything.. but maybe i'm just …

css height calc calculation
Does calc() work for background size of image in CSS?

My question is very simple, does calc() work for background size of a background image in pure CSS... Right now …

css background calc
How do properly use css's "calc()' with ng-style

I have the following inline-styling using Angular's ng-style and css's "calc()', but it didn't work. Can anyone tell me …

css pug calc ng-style angularjs-ng-style
display: flex; vs calc(); performance

I came up today in a discussion where I'm wondering what is the most performant way of having two div's …

html css performance flexbox calc
Can you use CSS calc() function to make the height of an element match its width? My attempt is not working

The calc() function is not working as I expected it to in my code. Instead of the height being calculated …

css height calc
CSS - div height calculation without "calc"

In my website, I am using two divs that should have their height like in this picture. So, there is …

css height calc
Bring rasters to same extent by filling with NA - in R

I have several cropped rasters with different geometry/outlines. Specifically spatial yield maps from several years of the same field, …

r stack spatial raster calc
Using calc() with env(safe-area-inset)

I am wanting to use env(safe-area-inset-bottom) to add margin-bottom to an element, but only when the device is an …

ios css iphone calc iphone-x
calc() not working in Firefox

I am trying to use calc() to get my page contents to fit on the page perfectly. I have a …

css calc
CSS - Can I use an object's Width in Calc()?

I want something like this: height: calc(width + 5px); This is just a small example but I'm ultimately looking for …

css calc