Top "Cakeyframeanimation" questions

Describes an animation that provides keyframe interpolation of a layer property in Apple's Core Animation framework.

What kind of value is keyTime in an CAKeyFrameAnimation?

For example I have this CAKeyFrameAnimation: CALayer* theLayer = myView.layer; CAKeyframeAnimation* animation; animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"]; animation.duration = 1.6; //…

iphone core-animation cakeyframeanimation

Hi i'm creating a Keyframe animation from multiple images. My problem is i would like the animation to instantly change …

core-animation cakeyframeanimation
iPhone - How to make a circle path for a CAKeyframeAnimation?

I'm trying to make an key frame animation that lets a image view fly around a circle. I'm using CGPathAddCurveToPoint …

iphone animation cakeyframeanimation