Top "Caching" questions

A cache is a mechanism for temporarily storing (caching) data locally in order to reduce access time to data stored far away.

Why both no-cache and no-store should be used in HTTP response?

I'm told to prevent user-info leaking, only "no-cache" in response is not enough. "no-store" is also necessary. Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store …

http caching no-cache
AngularJS disable partial caching on dev machine

I have problem with caching partials in AngularJS. In my HTML page I have: <body> <div ng-view&…

caching angularjs browser-cache
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

Since the upgrade to iOS 6, we are seeing Safari's web view take the liberty of caching $.ajax calls. This is …

javascript jquery ajax caching mobile-safari
Caching a jquery ajax response in javascript/browser

I would like to enable caching of an ajax response in javascript/browser. From the jquery.ajax docs: By default, …

javascript jquery ajax caching browser
How to force DNS refresh for a website?

I'm moving my web application to another server and in the next few days I'll refresh the DNS to point …

caching dns
In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

In through php_info() where the WSDL cache is held (/tmp), but I don't necessarily know if it is safe …

php soap caching wsdl
How do I request a file but not save it with Wget?

I'm using Wget to make http requests to a fresh web server. I am doing this to warm the MySQL …

linux caching wget
Angular IE Caching issue for $http

All the ajax calls that are sent from the IE are cached by Angular and I get a 304 response for …

javascript caching angularjs
Disable browser cache for entire ASP.NET website

I am looking for a method to disable the browser cache for an entire ASP.NET MVC Website I found … caching browser-cache
Notepad++ cached files location

On the most recent versions of Notepad++, when the application is closed, unsaved files are maintained when the application is …

caching filesystems notepad++