Is there a way to create a va_list
from scratch? I'm trying to call a function that takes a va_list
as a parameter:
func(void **entry, int num_args, va_list args, char *key);
...from a function that doesn't take a variable number of arguments. The only way I can think of is to create an intermediary function that takes varargs and then passing along its va_list, which is pretty stupid:
void stupid_func(void **entry, char *key, int num_args, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, num_args);
func(entry, num_args, args, key);
Is there a better way? I can't change func
's signature.
This is a bad idea because the va_list abstraction is there to hide some grim compiler/architecture specific details regarding stack-pointers and what not. And it is pretty much bound to the function's scope once initialized. If you wind the stack and reference a previous frames va_args out of scope, things can go bad. You can pass them around but ...
expect bugs
Also checkout man(3) va_copy and friends for safer handling of va_args and passing them around.
IMHO the va_args stuff is not very neat. In the past I have dealt with this by initializing structures/opaque pointers on the heap then using pointer arithmetic to work the data. But this is a hack and depends on circumstances.