Safely remove a USB drive using the Win32 API?

Nils Pipenbrinck picture Nils Pipenbrinck · Sep 17, 2008 · Viewed 35.5k times · Source

How do I remove a USB drive using the Win32 API? I do a lot of work on embedded systems and on one of these I have to copy my programs on a USB stick and insert it into the target hardware.

Since I mostly work on the console I don't like to use the mouse and click on the small task-bar icon hundred times a day.

I'd love to write a little program to do exactly that so I can put it into my makefiles, but I haven't found any API call that does the same thing.

Any ideas?


Kris Kumler picture Kris Kumler · Sep 17, 2008

You can use the CM_Request_Device_Eject() function as well as some other possibilities. Consult the following projects and articles:

DevEject: Straightforward.

A useful CodeProject article: