ALSA tutorial required

yuvaeasy picture yuvaeasy · Dec 13, 2011 · Viewed 14.5k times · Source

I am New to audio programming.I want to create small application which is capable of playing and gives volume control . I am using alsa-lib.

I want to know what is the purpose of switch (ex.Master Playback switch), enum in mixer elements and what value should i set to those switchs .

Please suggest me some tutorial for mixer settings as well as alsa programming .


sdaau picture sdaau · Jul 25, 2013

Just collecting some here, that have example code:

Note that some of these are old, and API may have changed in the meantime... you can also look up aplay.c (the source for the command line arecord and aplay), but that one is not the easiest to read for starters...