I just installed Atmel Studio 7 on my Windows 10 HP laptop. This is my first time working w/ a C compiler since high school, and my first time working with a microcontroller.
I loaded one of their example projects and built it without any errors. However, I am not able to debug since there is no option for a debugging tool (see screenshot). The only option is for 'Custom programming tool', while their tutorial videos all show an option for a SAM-ICE debugger or Simulator (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QlDSNeuAdY)
I have spent hours trying to find an issue online w/ no luck. Please help!
I'll add this information as I also just spent a fair amount of time trying to determine why no debugging tool was available as an option:
Make sure you have the right device connected.
I know this sounds terribly basic, but in my case I have both SAML21 and SAML22 Xplained Pro boards, and I'd forgotten which one I had targeted for a particular project. If you have a project open that targets one, but the attached device is different, you may have this problem. The only available option becomes "Custom Programming Tool" which isn't helpful.
After connecting the correct board, I had to revisit the Tool
menu and change the selected debugger/programmer to the appropriate (only) EDBG • ATML######
If you're not using an Atmel Xplained board, this may not be applicable.