undefined reference to pthread_create in c program on eclipse (Fedora)

Lokesh picture Lokesh · Dec 2, 2010 · Viewed 18.6k times · Source

I have a problem in building a c thread program. Program is giving error like "undefined reference to pthread_creat". I searched and found to use gcc options like "gcc -lpthread -o ...."

But I not able to set it for eclipse. I tried to make change in makefile but every time it got replaced with default options. Please help me to set these gcc options and write about where and how to set gcc options in eclipse on fedora 10.




M.ElSaka picture M.ElSaka · Nov 16, 2011

to add pthread library to your project flow these steps (in eclipse):

right cklick on the project in the project explorer -> properties -> c/c++ build -> Settings -> linker -> libraries -> add -> pthread -> ok -> rebuild