C Programming - comma operator within while loop

Adnan picture Adnan · Jan 12, 2017 · Viewed 7.1k times · Source

Prog 1:

 int main()
     int i=0;
     return 0;

Prog 2:

 int main()
  int i=0;
  return 0;

The output of Prog 1 is 1 and that of Prog 2 is 9.

Can someone explain whats going here. How the two codes are different?


The comma operator evaluates both of its arguments in turn, throwing away the result, except for the last. The last evaluated expression determines the result of the entire expression.

i<=8,i++ - here the value of the expression is the value of i++, which is the value of i before being incremented. It's 0 so the loop immediately terminates.

i++,i<=8 - here the value of the expression is the value of i<=8 which is 0 only when i is incremented to 9.

On a personal note: I think the second form, while somewhat comparable to a for loop, is less clear to the reader of the code than an actual for loop.