I'm here to ask you a little help. I'd like to write a C code that reads a PGM file (P2, not binary) and I have found many ways to do it on the Web. The problem is that every time I try to read some PGM images I have as examples on my PC, I'm not even able to read the header properly, because it never recognizes the right P2 PGM format. I always get errors like: "not valid pgm file type" or "format unsupported". Here's the (last) code I'm trying:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct pgm {
int w;
int h;
int max;
int* pData;
} pgm;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
char* filename = argv[0];
pgm* pPgm;
FILE* ifp;
int word;
int nRead = 0;
char readChars[256];
//open the file, check if successful
ifp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (!ifp) {
printf("Error: Unable to open file %s.\n\n", filename);
pPgm = (pgm *) malloc (sizeof(pgm));
//read headers from file
printf ("Reading PGM file: %s...\n", filename);
fscanf (ifp, "%s", readChars);
if (strcmp(readChars, "P2") == 0) {
//valid file type
//get a word from the file
printf("VALID TYPE.\n");
fscanf (ifp, "%s", readChars);
while (readChars[0] == '#') {
//if a comment, get the rest of the line and a new word
fgets (readChars, 255, ifp);
fscanf (ifp, "%s", readChars);
//ok, comments are gone
//get width, height, color depth
sscanf (readChars, "%d", &pPgm->w);
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &pPgm->h);
fscanf (ifp, "%d", &pPgm->max);
printf("WIDTH: %d, HEIGHT: %d\n", pPgm->w, pPgm->h);
// allocate some memory, note that on the HandyBoard you want to
// use constant memory and NOT use calloc/malloc
pPgm->pData = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * pPgm->w * pPgm->h);
// now read in the image data itself
for (nRead = 0; nRead < pPgm->w * pPgm->h; nRead++) {
fscanf(ifp, "%d" ,&word);
pPgm->pData[nRead] = word;
// printf("nRead = %d %d\n",nRead,pPgm->pData[nRead]);
printf ("Loaded PGM. Size: %dx%d, Greyscale: %d \n",
pPgm->w, pPgm->h, pPgm->max + 1);
else {
printf ("Error: %s. Format unsupported.\n\n", readChars);
return 0;
It seems that there are libraries that can do this: libnetpbm from netpbm or PGMA_IO. If you cannot use an external library for some reason, a look at the source code may help you to figure out how the header is read. By the way, have you already had a look at the answer to this question: how-to-read-a-pgm-image-file-in-a-2d-double-array-in-c?