I'm writing simple server/client and trying to get client IP address and save it on server side to decide which client should get into critical section. I googled it several times but couldn't find proper way to get IP address from sock structure.
I believe this is a way to get IP from sock struct after server accept request from client. More specifically in c after server execute
csock = accept(ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &clen)
OK assuming you are using IPV4 then do the following:
struct sockaddr_in* pV4Addr = (struct sockaddr_in*)&client_addr;
struct in_addr ipAddr = pV4Addr->sin_addr;
If you then want the ip address as a string then do the following:
inet_ntop( AF_INET, &ipAddr, str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
IPV6 is pretty easy as well ...
struct sockaddr_in6* pV6Addr = (struct sockaddr_in6*)&client_addr;
struct in6_addr ipAddr = pV6Addr->sin6_addr;
and getting a string is almost identical to IPV4
inet_ntop( AF_INET6, &ipAddr, str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN );