How to program LEGO Mindstorms EV3 using C language?

user4568737 picture user4568737 · Feb 15, 2015 · Viewed 24.7k times · Source

First of all, I'm new for this and I need a little help!

I have a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot, I downloaded (LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Home Edition) to control the EV3. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the source code for the EV3 in the mentioned software. So, please if anybody could tell me the name of the software that enables you to program EV3! I would be most appreciated!

I also downloaded (Bricxcc) software but it was an old version. I couldn't find a newer version which contains EV3.

Can I use C language to program EV3 ? Or to add some features to the sensors?

Note: I ended with leJOS software to program the code with java it is much easier and there are a lot of resources for the EV3 brick in java. Wish you all the best!


David Lechner picture David Lechner · Feb 15, 2015

You can find the EV3 source code here:

The generated documentation from this source code is available here and here.

Bricxcc has some experimental support for EV3 but it is not being actively developed (since Oct. 2013). You can find the latest test version here. Searching the web for "bricxcc ev3" will come up with some tutorials (for example, the one at looks good).

ROBOTC is a good alternative, although it is not free.

There is also ev3dev. There is a C library for ev3dev here or you can write your own.