Is there any c library to get a video from the webcam on linux?
A lot of us use OpenCV (cross-platform Computer Vision library, currently on v2.1)
The following snippet grabs frames from camera, converts them to grayscale and displays them on the screen:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
typedef IplImage* (*callback_prototype)(IplImage*);
* make_it_gray: custom callback to convert a colored frame to its grayscale version.
* Remember that you must deallocate the returned IplImage* yourself after calling this function.
IplImage* make_it_gray(IplImage* frame)
// Allocate space for a new image
IplImage* gray_frame = 0;
gray_frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frame->width, frame->height), frame->depth, 1);
if (!gray_frame)
fprintf(stderr, "!!! cvCreateImage failed!\n" );
return NULL;
cvCvtColor(frame, gray_frame, CV_RGB2GRAY);
return gray_frame;
* process_video: retrieves frames from camera and executes a callback to do individual frame processing.
* Keep in mind that if your callback takes too much time to execute, you might loose a few frames from
* the camera.
void process_video(callback_prototype custom_cb)
// Initialize camera
CvCapture *capture = 0;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(-1);
if (!capture)
fprintf(stderr, "!!! Cannot open initialize webcam!\n" );
// Create a window for the video
cvNamedWindow("result", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
IplImage* frame = 0;
char key = 0;
while (key != 27) // ESC
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
fprintf( stderr, "!!! cvQueryFrame failed!\n" );
// Execute callback on each frame
IplImage* processed_frame = (*custom_cb)(frame);
// Display processed frame
cvShowImage("result", processed_frame);
// Release resources
// Exit when user press ESC
key = cvWaitKey(10);
// Free memory
int main( int argc, char **argv )
return 0;