What C macro is in your opinion is the most useful? I have found the following one, which I use to do vector arithmetic in C:
#define v3_op_v3(x, op, y, z) {z[0]=x[0] op y[0]; \
z[1]=x[1] op y[1]; \
z[2]=x[2] op y[2];}
It works like that:
v3_op_v3(vectorA, +, vectorB, vectorC);
v3_op_v3(vectorE, *, vectorF, vectorJ);
#define IMPLIES(x, y) (!(x) || (y))
#define COMPARE(x, y) (((x) > (y)) - ((x) < (y)))
#define SIGN(x) COMPARE(x, 0)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a))
#define SWAP(x, y, T) do { T tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = tmp; } while(0)
#define SORT2(a, b, T) do { if ((a) > (b)) SWAP((a), (b), T); } while (0)
#define SET(d, n, v) do{ size_t i_, n_; for (n_ = (n), i_ = 0; n_ > 0; --n_, ++i_) (d)[i_] = (v); } while(0)
#define ZERO(d, n) SET(d, n, 0)
And, of course, various MIN, MAX, ABS etc.
Note, BTW, that none of the above can be implemented by a function in C.
P.S. I would probably single out the above IMPLIES
macro as one of the most useful ones. Its main purpose is to facilitate writing of more elegant and readable assertions, as in
void foo(int array[], int n) {
assert(IMPLIES(n > 0, array != NULL));