What is an XOR sum?

user2517777 picture user2517777 · Jun 24, 2013 · Viewed 37k times · Source

I am not sure of the precise definition of this term.

I know that a bitwise XOR operation is going bit by bit and taking the XOR of corresponding bits position wise. Is this result termed the 'XOR sum'? If not, what is an XOR sum, and how do you use XOR to implement this addition?


haccks picture haccks · Jun 25, 2013

In a bit wise XOR operation:

a   b   a^b
0   0    0
0   1    1
1   0    1
1   1    0 

XOR sum refers to successive XOR operations on integers.
Suppose you have numbers from 1 to N and you have to find their XOR sum then for N = 6, XOR sum will be 1^2^3^4^5^6 = 7.

1 = 001,  2 = 010,   3 = 011,   4 = 100,   5 = 101,   6 = 110  

 1^2          = 1^2  = 001^010 = 011 = 3  
(1^2)^3       = 3^3  = 011^011 = 000 = 0
(1^2^3)^4     = 0^4  = 000^100 = 100 = 4
(1^2^3^4)^5   = 4^5  = 100^101 = 001 = 1
(1^2^3^4^5)^6 = 1^6  = 001^110 = 111 = 7 --> XOR sum

Hope this will help.