strtok and memory leaks

guigouz picture guigouz · Sep 30, 2009 · Viewed 19.7k times · Source

I wrote a simple url parser using strtok(). here's the code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
    char *protocol;
    char *host;
    int port;
    char *path;
} aUrl;

void parse_url(char *url, aUrl *ret) {

    printf("Parsing %s\n", url);
    char *tmp = (char *)_strdup(url);
    //char *protocol, *host, *port, *path;
    int len = 0;

    // protocol agora eh por exemplo http: ou https:
    ret->protocol = (char *) strtok(tmp, "/");
    len = strlen(ret->protocol) + 2;

    ret->host = (char *) strtok(NULL, "/");

    len += strlen(ret->host);

    //printf("char at %d => %c", len, url[len]);

    ret->path = (char *)_strdup(&url[len]);

    ret->path = (char *) strtok(ret->path, "#");

    ret->protocol = (char *) strtok(ret->protocol, ":");

    // host agora é por exemplo
    //tmp = (char *)_strdup(host);
    //strtok(tmp, ":");
    ret->host = (char *) strtok(ret->host, ":");
    tmp = (char *) strtok(NULL, ":");

    if(tmp == NULL) {
        if(strcmp(ret->protocol, "http") == 0) {
            ret->port = 80;
        } else if(strcmp(ret->protocol, "https") == 0) {
            ret->port = 443;
    } else {
        ret->port = atoi(tmp);

    //host = (char *) strtok(NULL, "/");


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("hello moto\n");

    aUrl myUrl;
    parse_url("", &myUrl);

    printf("protocol is %s\nhost is %s\nport is %d\npath is %s\n", myUrl.protocol,, myUrl.port, myUrl.path);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

As you can see, I use strtok() a lot so I can "slice" the url. I don't need to support urls different than http or https so the way it's done solves all of my problems. My concern is (this is running on an embedded device) - Am I wasting memory ? When I write something like

ret->protocol = (char *) strtok(tmp, "/");

And then later call

ret->protocol = (char *) strtok(ret->protocol, ":");

Does me first pointer ret->protocol held remain in memory ? I thought that maybe I should set the first call to a tmp pointer, call strtok pointing ret->protocol to the right portion of the string (the second call) and then free(tmp).

What should be the best way to use strtok ?


Ben Zotto picture Ben Zotto · Sep 30, 2009

To answer your question directly, strtok only returns a pointer to a location inside the string you give it as input-- it doesn't allocate new memory for you, so shouldn't need to call free on any of the pointers it gives you back in return.

For what it's worth, you could also look into "strchr" and "strstr", which are nondestructive ways of searching for single characters or sequences within strings.

Also note that your memory allocation is problematic here-- you're using strdup() to allocate a new string inside your parse function, and then you're assigning fragments of that memory block to fields of "ret". Your caller will thus be responsible for free'ing the strdup'd string, but since you're only passing that string back implicitly inside ret, the caller needs to know magically what pointer to pass to free. (Probably ret->protocol, but maybe not, depending on how the input looks.)