C - shared memory - dynamic array inside shared struct

ChiP picture ChiP · Jan 28, 2013 · Viewed 18k times · Source

i'm trying to share a struct like this

typedef struct {
    int* a;
    int b;
    int c;
} ex;

between processes, the problem is that when I initialize 'a' with a malloc, it becomes private to the heap of the process that do this(or at least i think this is what happens). Is there any way to create a shared memory (with shmget, shmat) with this struct that works?

EDIT: I'm working on Linux.
EDIT: I have a process that initialize the buffer like this:

key_t key = ftok("gr", 'p');   
int mid = shmget(key, sizeof(ex), IPC_CREAT | 0666);    
ex* e = NULL;
status b_status = init(&e, 8); //init gives initial values to b c and allocate space for 'a' with a malloc
e = (ex*)shmat(mid, NULL, 0);

the other process attaches himself to the shared memory like this:

key_t key = ftok("gr", 'p');
int shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(ex), 0);
ex* e;
e = (ex*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);  

and later get an element from a, in this case that in position 1

int i = get_el(e, 1);


Rerito picture Rerito · Jan 28, 2013

First of all, to share the content pointed by your int *a field, you will need to copy the whole memory related to it. Thus, you will need a shared memory that can hold at least size_t shm_size = sizeof(struct ex) + get_the_length_of_your_ex();.

From now on, since you mentioned shmget and shmat, I will assume you run a Linux system.
The first step is the shared memory segment creation. It would be a good thing if you can determine an upper bound to the size of the int *a content. This way you would not have to create/delete the shared memory segment over and over again. But if you do so, an extra overhead to state how long is the actual data will be needed. I will assume that a simple size_t will do the trick for this purpose.

Then, after you created your segment, you must set the data correctly to make it hold what you want. Notice that while the physical address of the memory segment is always the same, when calling shmat you will get virtual pointers, which are only usable in the process that called shmat. The example code below should give you some tricks to do so.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>

/* Assume a cannot point towards an area larger than 4096 bytes. */
#define A_MAX_SIZE (size_t)4096

struct ex {
    int *a;
    int b;
    int c;

int shm_create(void)
     * If you need to share other structures,
     * You'll need to pass the key_t as an argument
    key_t k = ftok("/a/path/of/yours");
    int shm_id = 0;
    if (0 > (shm_id = shmget(
        k, sizeof(struct ex) + A_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(size_t), IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0666))) {
        /* An error occurred, add desired error handling. */
    return shm_id;

 * Fill the desired shared memory segment with the structure
int shm_fill(int shmid, struct ex *p_ex)
    void *p = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
    void *tmp = p;
    size_t data_len = get_my_ex_struct_data_len(p_ex);
    if ((void*)(-1) == p) {
        /* Add desired error handling */
        return -1;
    memcpy(tmp, p_ex, sizeof(struct ex));
    tmp += sizeof(struct ex);
    memcpy(tmp, &data_len, sizeof(size_t);
    tmp += 4;
    memcpy(tmp, p_ex->a, data_len);

     * If you want to keep the reference so that
     * When modifying p_ex anywhere, you update the shm content at the same time :
     * - Don't call shmdt()
     * - Make p_ex->a point towards the good area :
     * p_ex->a = p + sizeof(struct ex) + sizeof(size_t);
     * Never ever modify a without detaching the shm ...
    return 0;

/* Get the ex structure from a shm segment */
int shm_get_ex(int shmid, struct ex *p_dst)
    void *p = shmat(shmid, NULL, SHM_RDONLY);
    void *tmp;
    size_t data_len = 0;
    if ((void*)(-1) == p) {
        /* Error ... */
        return -1;
    data_len = *(size_t*)(p + sizeof(struct ex))
    if (NULL == (tmp = malloc(data_len))) {
        /* No memory ... */
        return -1;
    memcpy(p_dst, p, sizeof(struct ex));
    memcpy(tmp, (p + sizeof(struct ex) + sizeof(size_t)), data_len);
    p_dst->a = tmp;
     * If you want to modify "globally" the structure,
     * - Change SHM_RDONLY to 0 in the shmat() call
     * - Make p_dst->a point to the good offset :
     * p_dst->a = p + sizeof(struct ex) + sizeof(size_t);
     * - Remove from the code above all the things made with tmp (malloc ...)
    return 0;

 * Detach the given p_ex structure from a shm segment.
 * This function is useful only if you use the shm segment
 * in the way I described in comment in the other functions.
void shm_detach_struct(struct ex *p_ex)
     * Here you could : 
     * - alloc a local pointer
     * - copy the shm data into it
     * - detach the segment using the current p_ex->a pointer
     * - assign your local pointer to p_ex->a
     * This would save locally the data stored in the shm at the call
     * Or if you're lazy (like me), just detach the pointer and make p_ex->a = NULL;

    shmdt(p_ex->a - sizeof(struct ex) - sizeof(size_t));
    p_ex->a = NULL;

Excuse my laziness, it would be space-optimized to not copy at all the value of the int *a pointer of the struct ex since it is completely unused in the shared memory, but I spared myself extra-code to handle this (and some pointer checkings like the p_ex arguments integrity).

But when you are done, you must find a way to share the shm ID between your processes. This could be done using sockets, pipes ... Or using ftok with the same input.