I am well used to relying on GHC's forkIO
for portable lightweight threads when programming in Haskell.
What are equivalent libraries for C that can provide the same scalibility and ease of use?
Specifically I need C-equivalents of at least the following two functions.
forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
killThread :: ThreadId -> IO ()
I assume for my application, it would be enough if threads only switched on blocking operations rather than being forcefully suspended because all threads block highly frequently for network IO and I only use the splice
system call to ask the Linux kernel to push data around between sockets.
This paper has figures and tables comparing
with results favoring Protothreads. As I have not used any and there may also be other libraries, I would love to hear from anyone who has used / developed such libraries.
libMill is probably what you're searching for: http://libmill.org/
It implements user level threads in the Go-Lang channel style.
And it's being developed by the super smart Martin Sústrik, creator of ZeroMQ http://250bpm.com/. So it must be good ☺