I am trying to include a struct as part of the union with Bison, but I get an error on the 'struct node args' in %union:
parser.y:17: error: field ‘args’ has incomplete type
The Code:
struct node {
char * val;
struct node * next;
%union {
char * string;
struct node args;
%token <string> CD WORD PWD EXIT
%type <args> arg_list
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Even better, use the %code directive with the "requires" option, i.e.:
%code requires {
struct node {
char * val;
struct node * next;
%union {
char * string;
struct node args;
This will include the code in the "requires" block in the tab.h file as well as the parser source file.
From the documentation: http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Decl-Summary.html#Decl-Summary
- requires
- Purpose: This is the best place to write dependency code required for YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE. In other words, it's the best place to define types referenced in %union directives, and it's the best place to override Bison's default YYSTYPE and YYLTYPE definitions.