I would like to read a bitmap file into a struct and manuplate it like make a mirror effect etc. but I cannot understand which kind of struct should i be creating in order to read into it.
Thank you for your help
»This is how you maually load a bmp file
The bitmap file format: Bitmap file header Bitmap info header palette data Bitmap Dada
so on with the code part, this is our struct we need to create to hold the bitmap file header
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER
WORD bfType; //specifies the file type
DWORD bfSize; //specifies the size in bytes of the bitmap file
WORD bfReserved1; //reserved; must be 0
WORD bfReserved2; //reserved; must be 0
DWORD bfOffBits; //species the offset in bytes from the bitmapfileheader to the bitmap bits
#pragma pack(pop)
the bftype field checks to see if you are infact loading a bmp file, and if you are the field should be 0x4D42.
Now we need to create our bitmapinfoheader struct. This holds info about our bitmap.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
DWORD biSize; //specifies the number of bytes required by the struct
LONG biWidth; //specifies width in pixels
LONG biHeight; //species height in pixels
WORD biPlanes; //specifies the number of color planes, must be 1
WORD biBitCount; //specifies the number of bit per pixel
DWORD biCompression;//spcifies the type of compression
DWORD biSizeImage; //size of image in bytes
LONG biXPelsPerMeter; //number of pixels per meter in x axis
LONG biYPelsPerMeter; //number of pixels per meter in y axis
DWORD biClrUsed; //number of colors used by th ebitmap
DWORD biClrImportant; //number of colors that are important
#pragma pack(pop)
Now on to loading our Bitmap
unsigned char *LoadBitmapFile(char *filename, BITMAPINFOHEADER *bitmapInfoHeader)
FILE *filePtr; //our file pointer
BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapFileHeader; //our bitmap file header
unsigned char *bitmapImage; //store image data
int imageIdx=0; //image index counter
unsigned char tempRGB; //our swap variable
//open filename in read binary mode
filePtr = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
return NULL;
//read the bitmap file header
fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,filePtr);
//verify that this is a bmp file by check bitmap id
if (bitmapFileHeader.bfType !=0x4D42)
return NULL;
//read the bitmap info header
fread(bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,filePtr); // small edit. forgot to add the closing bracket at sizeof
//move file point to the begging of bitmap data
fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
//allocate enough memory for the bitmap image data
bitmapImage = (unsigned char*)malloc(bitmapInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
//verify memory allocation
if (!bitmapImage)
return NULL;
//read in the bitmap image data
//make sure bitmap image data was read
if (bitmapImage == NULL)
return NULL;
//swap the r and b values to get RGB (bitmap is BGR)
for (imageIdx = 0;imageIdx < bitmapInfoHeader->biSizeImage;imageIdx+=3) // fixed semicolon
tempRGB = bitmapImage[imageIdx];
bitmapImage[imageIdx] = bitmapImage[imageIdx + 2];
bitmapImage[imageIdx + 2] = tempRGB;
//close file and return bitmap iamge data
return bitmapImage;
Now to make use of all of this:
unsigned char *bitmapData;
bitmapData = LoadBitmapFile("mypic.bmp",&bitmapInfoHeader);
//now do what you want with it, later on i will show you how to display it in a normal window
Later on ill put up Writing a to bmp and how to load a targa file and how to display them.«
Quoted from: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?261522-C-C-Loading-Bitmap-Files-%28Manually%29 (User: BeholderOf). (Some minor corrections done)