I get "lapack.h: No such file or directory" although I installed liblapack-dev

iCanLearn picture iCanLearn · Dec 25, 2012 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I installed liblapack-dev and its dependencies using Synaptic, and I included <lapack.h> in my code.

If I try to compile my program like this...

mpicc program.c -llapack -o output

...I get the following error:

program.c:4:20: fatal error: lapack.h: No such file or directory 
compilation terminated.

How can I fix this? I've already spent hours googling for a solution but nothing helped.

I'm using Linux Mint, but I tried the same thing on the latest version of Ubuntu and it still wouldn't work. Same thing when I try "eliminating" MPI from my program and compiling with gcc.


Stephen Shank picture Stephen Shank · Oct 19, 2015

I experienced a similar issue on Debian. I noticed that

dpkg -L liblapack-dev

did not return a single header file. So I did some searching with apt-cache and found what appears to be C headers. After installing via

sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev

(note the extra e!), I was able to compile a minimal working example, found here. Modifying the include at the top to read

#include <lapacke.h>

and compiling with

gcc -llapack lapack_example.c

successfully runs on my system. Hope this helps someone.