I have began working on an autonomous rc helicopter in c. I need help finding a way to calculate the bearing acuratley. I am using two sets of coordinates (latitude and longitude), one is the current location and the other is the destination point. I have converted the latitude and longitude into decimal format so....
40°58'19.86"N = 40.972183
74°14'52.74"W = 74.247983
Can anyone show me code in c to find the bearing or a formula i can use?
i have looked at: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html and when i transfer it to c, the results make no sense.
This is what i have tried:
double x = Sin(Longitude2 - Longitude1) * Cos(Latitude2);
double y = Cos(Latitude1) * Sin(Latitude2) - Sin(Latitude1) * Cos(Latitude2) * Cos(Longitude2 - Longitude1);
double heading = (Atan2(x, y) % 2 * 3.14159265) (180/3.14159265);
Have you converted your coordinates from degrees to radians before calculations ?
angleRad = 3.14159265 * angleDeg / 180;
bearing = Atan2(y, x);
in that website.
The bearing should be converted from rad to deg in turn:
bearing = 180 * bearing / 3.14159265;
and in case of negative value eventually:
bearing = bearing + 360;
I don't know how to write this using the convention above (with "%").
Latitude1 and Longitude1 are coordinates of the observer Latitude2 and Longitude2 are coordinates of destination point.
Formulas from that website work well.