What are Linux Local timer interrupts?

Manuel Selva picture Manuel Selva · May 12, 2012 · Viewed 26.4k times · Source

All is in the title. Any links to good documentations are welcome.


Michael Burr picture Michael Burr · May 12, 2012

The local timer interrupt is a timer implemented on the APIC that interrupts only a particular CPU instead of raising an interrupt that can be handled by any CPU. It's discussed in Bovet & Cesati's "Understanding the Linux Kernel". A snippet:

The local APIC present in recent 80x86 microprocessors (see the section “Interrupts and Exceptions” in Chapter 4) provides yet another time-measuring device: the CPU local timer.

The CPU local timer is a device similar to the Programmable Interval Timer just described that can issue one-shot or periodic interrupts. There are, however, a few differences:

  • The APIC’s timer counter is 32 bits long, while the PIT’s timer counter is 16 bits long; therefore, the local timer can be programmed to issue interrupts at very low frequencies (the counter stores the number of ticks that must elapse before the interrupt is issued).
  • The local APIC timer sends an interrupt only to its processor, while the PIT raises a global interrupt, which may be handled by any CPU in the system.
  • The APIC’s timer is based on the bus clock signal (or the APIC bus signal, in older machines). It can be programmed in such a way to decrease the timer counter every 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 bus clock signals. Conversely, the PIT, which makes use of its own clock signals, can be programmed in a more flexible way.