I am trying to find a generic way of accessing a set of containers. I have a standard vector and list in addition to another custom list.
The custom list defines an iterator;
class Iterator: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T> {
// ...
Iterator begin() {
return (Iterator(root));
Iterator end() {
return (Iterator(NULL));
with the appropriate operators overloaded.
Ideally, I would like to do this;
class Foo {
Foo() {
std::list<int> x;
std::vector<int> y;
custom_list<int> z;
iter = x.begin(); // OR
iter = y.begin(); // OR
iter = z.begin();
// ...
std::iterator<int> iter;
But obviously these are all iterators of different types. I can assume all the containers are of the same type however.
Is there an elegant way to solve this problem?
Here are some articles you might find of interest
Giving STL Iterators a Base Class