stack object Qt signal and parameter as reference

Guillaume07 picture Guillaume07 · Dec 10, 2011 · Viewed 22k times · Source

May I have a "dangling reference" with the following code (in an eventual slot connected to the myQtSignal)?

class Test : public QObject

    void myQtSignal(const FooObject& obj);

    void sendSignal(const FooObject& fooStackObject)
        emit  myQtSignal(fooStackObject);

void f()
    FooObject fooStackObject;
    Test t;

int main()
    return 0;

Particularly if emit and slot are not executed in the same thread.


UPDATE 20-APR-2015

Originally I believed that passing a reference to a stack-allocated object would be equivalent to passing the address of that object. Hence in the absence of a wrapper that would store a copy (or a shared pointer), a queued slot connection could wind up using the bad data.

But it was raised to my attention by @BenjaminT and @cgmb that Qt actually does have special handling for const reference parameters. It will call the copy constructor and stow away the copied object to use for the slot calls. Even if the original object you passed has been destroyed by the time the slot runs, the references that the slots get will be to different objects entirely.

You can read @cgmb's answer for the mechanical details. But here's a quick test:

#include <iostream>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>

class Param {
    Param () {}
    Param (Param const &) {
        std::cout << "Calling Copy Constructor\n";

class Test : public QObject {

    Test () {
        for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
            connect(this, &Test::transmit, this, &Test::receive,

    void run() {
        Param p;
        std::cout << "transmitting with " << &p << " as parameter\n";
        emit transmit(p);
        QTimer::singleShot(200, qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit);

    void transmit(Param const & p);
public slots:
    void receive(Param const & p) {
        std::cout << "receive called with " << &p << " as parameter\n";

...and a main:

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTimer>

#include "param.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // name "Param" must match type name for references to work (?)

    Test t;

    QTimer::singleShot(200, qApp, QCoreApplication::quit);
    return a.exec();

Running this demonstrates that for each of the 3 slot connections, a separate copy of the Param is made via the copy constructor:

Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
receive called with 0x1bbf7c0 as parameter
receive called with 0x1bbf8a0 as parameter
receive called with 0x1bbfa00 as parameter

You might wonder what good it does to "pass by reference" if Qt is just going to make copies anyway. However, it doesn't always make the depends on the connection type. If you change to Qt::DirectConnection, it doesn't make any copies:

transmitting with 0x7ffebf241147 as parameter
receive called with 0x7ffebf241147 as parameter
receive called with 0x7ffebf241147 as parameter
receive called with 0x7ffebf241147 as parameter

And if you switched to passing by value, you'd actually get a more intermediate copies, especially in the Qt::QueuedConnection case:

Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
Calling Copy Constructor
receive called with 0x7fff15146ecf as parameter
Calling Copy Constructor
receive called with 0x7fff15146ecf as parameter
Calling Copy Constructor
receive called with 0x7fff15146ecf as parameter

But passing by pointer doesn't do any special magic. So it has the problems mentioned in the original answer, which I'll keep below. But it has turned out that reference handling is just a different beast.


Yes, this can be dangerous if your program is multithreaded. And it's generally poor style even if not. Really you should be passing objects by value over signal and slot connections.

Note that Qt has support for "implicitly shared types", so passing things like a QImage "by value" won't make a copy unless someone writes to the value they receive:

The problem isn't fundamentally anything to do with signals and slots. C++ has all kinds of ways that objects might be deleted while they're referenced somewhere, or even if some of their code is running in the call stack. You can get into this trouble easily in any code where you don't have control over the code and use proper synchronization. Techniques like using QSharedPointer can help.

There are a couple of additional helpful things Qt offers to more gracefully handle deletion scenarios. If there's an object you want to destroy but you are aware that it might be in use at the moment, you can use the QObject::deleteLater() method:

That's come in handy for me a couple of times. Another useful thing is the QObject::destroyed() signal: