Say I have four 32-bit numbers, defined so that their bits don't overlap, i.e.
unsigned long int num0 = 0xFF000000;
unsigned long int num1 = 0x00FF0000;
unsigned long int num2 = 0x0000FF00;
unsigned long int num3 = 0x000000FF;
Where in each number one could have anything in the place of the FF
Am I right in saying that addition and bitwise or would always produce the same output for such sort of numbers?
as long as for two numbers num1 and num2 applies num1 & num2 == 0
, then follows:
num1 + num2 == num1 | num2
the reason for this is, that addition is basically a bitwise XOR, plus carry bit. But as long as there are no carry bits (num1 & num2 == 0
) then addition boils down to bitwise XOR, which is (again because of num1 & num2 == 0
) in this case logically equivalent to a bitwise OR