I have a question about formatting a decimal number to a certain QString format. Basically, I have an input box in my program that can take any values. I want it to translate the value in this box to the format "+05.30" (based on the value). The value will be limited to +/-99.99.
Some examples include:
.2 --> +00.02
-1.5 --> -01.50
9.9 --> +09.90
I'm thinking of using a converter like this, but it will have some obvious issues (no leading 0, no leading + sign).
QString temp = QString::number(ui.m_txtPreX1->text().toDouble(), 'f', 2);
This question had some similarities, but doesn't tie together both front and back end padding.
Convert an int to a QString with zero padding (leading zeroes)
Any ideas of how to approach this problem? Your help is appreciated! Thanks!