Are mutex lock functions sufficient without volatile?

David picture David · Jul 27, 2011 · Viewed 8.5k times · Source

A coworker and I write software for a variety of platforms running on x86, x64, Itanium, PowerPC, and other 10 year old server CPUs.

We just had a discussion about whether mutex functions such as pthread_mutex_lock() ... pthread_mutex_unlock() are sufficient by themselves, or whether the protected variable needs to be volatile.

int foo::bar()
 //code which may or may not access _protected.
 int ret = _protected;
 return ret;

My concern is caching. Could the compiler place a copy of _protected on the stack or in a register, and use that stale value in the assignment? If not, what prevents that from happening? Are variations of this pattern vulnerable?

I presume that the compiler doesn't actually understand that pthread_mutex_lock() is a special function, so are we just protected by sequence points?

Thanks greatly.

Update: Alright, I can see a trend with answers explaining why volatile is bad. I respect those answers, but articles on that subject are easy to find online. What I can't find online, and the reason I'm asking this question, is how I'm protected without volatile. If the above code is correct, how is it invulnerable to caching issues?


AJG85 picture AJG85 · Jul 27, 2011

Simplest answer is volatile is not needed for multi-threading at all.

The long answer is that sequence points like critical sections are platform dependent as is whatever threading solution you're using so most of your thread safety is also platform dependent.

C++0x has a concept of threads and thread safety but the current standard does not and therefore volatile is sometimes misidentified as something to prevent reordering of operations and memory access for multi-threading programming when it was never intended and can't be reliably used that way.

The only thing volatile should be used for in C++ is to allow access to memory mapped devices, allow uses of variables between setjmp and longjmp, and to allow uses of sig_atomic_t variables in signal handlers. The keyword itself does not make a variable atomic.

Good news in C++0x we will have the STL construct std::atomic which can be used to guarantee atomic operations and thread safe constructs for variables. Until your compiler of choice supports it you may need to turn to the boost library or bust out some assembly code to create your own objects to provide atomic variables.

P.S. A lot of the confusion is caused by Java and .NET actually enforcing multi-threaded semantics with the keyword volatile C++ however follows suit with C where this is not the case.