How to set up a Winsock UDP socket?

axs6791 picture axs6791 · Mar 24, 2009 · Viewed 41.3k times · Source

I want to create a Winsock UDP socket that only sends data to a client. I want the kernel to choose an available port for me. On the other hand, I want to indicate which local IP to use, since I'm running a few nics.

I've tried combing through the maze of socket options, as well as binding with the port in the socket address set to 0 to no avail.

My code is in Win32 C++.


Graeme Perrow picture Graeme Perrow · Mar 24, 2009

Please excuse the lack of error checking:

char pkt[...];
size_t pkt_length = ...;
sockaddr_in dest;
sockaddr_in local;
WSAData data;
WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &data );

local.sin_family = AF_INET;
local.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( <source IP address> );
local.sin_port = 0; // choose any

dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( <destination IP address> );
dest.sin_port = htons( <destination port number> );

// create the socket
// bind to the local address
bind( s, (sockaddr *)&local, sizeof(local) );
// send the pkt
int ret = sendto( s, pkt, pkt_length, 0, (sockaddr *)&dest, sizeof(dest) );