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How do I read from a version resource in Visual C++
in my c++ project i've added a .rc file where I can store the file version, the executable description, copyright, etc..
and is ok, I compile, i go to the explorer -> file property and I see all the fields in the form.
My question is: if I need to read from the project the own file version ( to show into a form for example), how can I do this?
Windows provides a set of API calls for retrieving the version information from executable files. The following snippet of code should help you get started.
bool GetVersionInfo(
LPCTSTR filename,
int &major,
int &minor,
int &build,
int &revision)
DWORD verBufferSize;
char verBuffer[2048];
// Get the size of the version info block in the file
verBufferSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(filename, NULL);
if(verBufferSize > 0 && verBufferSize <= sizeof(verBuffer))
// get the version block from the file
if(TRUE == GetFileVersionInfo(filename, NULL, verBufferSize, verBuffer))
UINT length;
// Query the version information for neutral language
if(TRUE == VerQueryValue(
// Pull the version values.
major = HIWORD(verInfo->dwProductVersionMS);
minor = LOWORD(verInfo->dwProductVersionMS);
build = HIWORD(verInfo->dwProductVersionLS);
revision = LOWORD(verInfo->dwProductVersionLS);
return true;
return false;